August 11, 2004
Leah and I had a very in depth conversation today (see below) The most important part was something along the lines of.....

Me: And I guess I didn't know that Sprite was a major liquid source a few million years ago.
Leah: Well, now Kristen. Haven't you seen the commercials? Obey your thirst? Our species evolved to drink Sprite! Why, we were relying on Sprite before we were walking upright!
Me: Gosh! Suddenly it is all clear!
Leah: You might THINK your thirst is for water, but clearly (as the commercial says), your biological need for liquid is for Sprite.
Me: I say we revolt against the traitorous 7-up company
Leah: No, revolt is going too far. There are those who say that 7-up is just a different strain of Sprite. Like, maybe one of the continents split off from the others and 7-up evolved.
Leah: See - now you're getting it! Advertising is full of very important information.
Me: Like how, in fact, Subaru cars are ACTUALLY controlled by someone sitting inside-- hence "driven by what's inside"?

Leah: No, Subarus are driven by Lance Armstrong. He's inside.
Me: I can't do this Leah! It's too hard for me
Leah: Keep trying, grasshopper.
Me: and what about Sierra Mist and Safeway "Lemon Lime Soda"?
Leah: Yeah, I knew you were going to bring those up. I can't explain them. They aren't advertised heavily enough.
Me: :-)
Me: why did you just call me a grasshopper?
Leah: When one is learning an ancient martial art, e.g. karate, one's mentor calls one a grasshopper. It's based on ancient Chinese tradition.
Leah: Or maybe I just saw it on Karate Kid.
Me: Good movie, that is
Leah: Yes.
Me: but the 2nd and 3rd aren't great
Leah: No. Really, the only one that I've learned any karate from is the first one.
Me: wax on, wax off, wax on, wax off
Me: it's even helpful in waxing cars!
Leah: hahaha
Leah: I never thought of that!
Me: and it teaches you in the importance of bonsai trees
Leah: I don't remember that part.
Me: you know- the guy is always trimming bonsai trees
Leah: oh. well, you must trim bonsai trees often. and trimming is an art. and art is beautiful. and beauty is important.....I'm not getting anywhere with this.
Me: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever"
Me: let's leave it at that, shall we?
Leah: Wow. The irony is, that statement is beautiful.
Me: Mary Poppins quoted it in "Mary Poppins"
Me: I don't know who said it originally
Leah: I think maybe it was me.
Leah: Speaking about you, of course.
Me: why, thank you
Me: You're too kind, really
Leah: :-) I can't keep claiming all of the glory for myself!
Me: of course you can-- after all, you wouldn't want some wanna-be stealing your credit
Leah: you know, you're right! I was speaking about myself. "A thing of beauty - like me - is a joy forever - like me."
Me: I think I'll start saying that more often
Leah: But you have to alter it. "A thing of beauty - like Leah - is a joy forever - like Leah."
Me: oh, but of course

SEE- I told you Leah was entertaining!

** humming my own little tune at 6:14:00 PM




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