August 25, 2004

Summer lovin' had me a blast
Summer lovin' happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me
Met a boy cute as can be-
Summer days driftin' away, to those summer nights....

Well, folks, it's official. Summer is over. Fin. Done. Terminated. Discharged. Played out, tied up, worked out, wound up. Through. It's the truth, and I'm bummed. But, I suppose I shall survive- tomorrow will be kinda fun- I get to hang out with freshman all day and show them the ropes- then I have Friday school. Then the weekend. I'll survive. Somehow......
Wish me luck. And I wish luck to everyone else who has/is started/starting school. It's not really as bad as we imagine it to be, I think. Cheers, or "Toots" but Jinger still hasn't written us....

** humming my own little tune at 9:33:00 PM




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