August 18, 2004
This one's for the girls
Who've ever had a broken heart
Who've wished upon a shooting star
You're beautiful the way you are
This one's for the girls
Angie, dad and I went backpacking last night. It was just a 24 hour excursion. It was really fun. Next summer I think I'll take my best Boulder buddies and go backpacking for a few days. That would be very fun. And it would make good pictures for the Yearbook. =) My family is so dorky. While hiking my dad pointed out a rock which was "metamorphized granite". ohhh boy. And Angie and I didn't even think it was odd (until I started writing about it- now it sounds very strange) That's what you get growing up with a science teacher, I guess. =) Meh- I like science. =)

This one's for the girls
Who love without holding back
Who dream with everything they have
All around the world


US soccer team tied with Australia to make it to quarter finals. Thank goodness. I'm rooting for these people. Hey- Mia Hamm and Christine Lilly (above) and Julie Foudy were my heroes in 4th and 5th grade. Really- that's who I wanted to be when I grew up. I'll be very sad when they all retire. It's kinda a let down....This is their last shot. ( no pun intended) They lost in the World Cup finals (I think). I sure hope they do well. I think once Mia Hamm and her Super-star team retire- the sport will fall into submission. GOOO USA!

Phelps and his stellar 800 Medley relay beat Thorpe by .13. Good for them. Of course- I always think that Thorpe should win (he also lost the 100 free =( Alas!) But Michael Phelps needs a boost after the "evaporation" of his 8-gold medal chance.
This is for all you girls about twenty-five
In a little apartment, just trying to get by
Living on, on dreams and spaghetti-o's
Wondering where you life is gonna go
One week and one day until school starts. And here I am writing in my blog in my basement which is devoid of sunlight.... I better go on a bike ride or something FAST =)

** humming my own little tune at 11:45:00 AM




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