September 15, 2004
Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been,
Lives in a dream.
Waits at the window, wearing a face she keeps in a jar by the door,
Who is it for?
All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
All the lonely people, where do they all belong?
Despite how much I ride my bike, I'm really not very good at it. It's a bummer. I always get chain marks on my legs- sometimes I get bitten by the chain. I still have a scar from a crash I had in 6th grade- it's on my elbow, and still turns blue when I get cold. I wrote a story about it called "The Elbow of Bright Blue" It was a pretty lame story. =) I claimed the award "Most Intense Crash" on my 8th grade Spring Trip, and it was pretty intense. It was an end-o that I managed to escape the worst of it- but my bike did fly pretty high. Scary stuff. But if you REALLY ride your bike, you have worst stories. Jinger has some GRUESOME stories about bike crashes. They give me the willies. Ahhh. And Tyler Hamilton has bad luck with crashes, too. But my dad never crashes. And Peter Thron never crashes. And Angie crashes less than me. I tell ya.

Excalibur is singing Eleanor Rigby at Extravaganza. I'm really excited. Well, not REALLY excited, but it should be good. Joy was freaking out today because she just LOVED the Madrigals choir practice. That's how a feel about swimming, I think. Meadows and FHS is SO much fun, I just can't contain my enthusiasm. But Joy really was freaking out. It was funny. I talked with Sam and Orly for an hour and half during Newspaper today- we didn't have much to do. But it was nice of them to let a junior twice-their height hang out with them. They're funny kids. I told Sam that "Orly and I go way back" and it's definately true- we weren't ever fantastic friends, but I have known her for a HECK of a long time. I don't like growing up......

** humming my own little tune at 4:28:00 PM




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