September 21, 2004
If there's a man who is down and needs a helping hand
All it takes is you to understand and to pull him through.
Uh-huh. It seems to me we gotta solve it individually, now, yeah,
I'll do unto you what you do to me
I had a good day- considering that it was rainy and cold from 6:00 AM to now (5:23, according to my computer.) I like the rain, yes, and I like the snow and the wind and the hail and the thunderstorms. But, I must admit, I like sunny and warm the best. Rain is nice, but it makes me too.... I don't know. Just not normal. So I rode my bike to school today (as usual) but today I needed my rainjacket and rain pants (which didn't work one smidgeon of a bit. My pants were soaked through 5th period. BAH. Living in Boulder, we get all sorts of crazy weather. Gramma says that crazy weather happens all over- but really, the Front Range is the champion of fickle temperatures. We had a 30 degree difference in ONE DAY. 30 degree difference in the HIGHS of the day. =) That's saying something..... But all this rain means that it's snowing in the mountains. Trevor and Sarah were spazzing out in English. We all sit next to the windows- and they were so excited about the chance of snow. It made me laugh.... But besides the weather, my day was good. Just to clarify- I don't dislike the rain.... but you probably got that message. =)

Angie and I have a bet to see which teacher messes up our names first. Mrs. Cady almost called Angie "Kristen", but she caught herself. Mrs. Gardener did call me "Angie" but she had an excuse- I was sitting in Angie's (a kid in my grade) seat. So, I'm not sure that'll count. We'll see. I'm fairly impressed, thus far, though. Besides those two mix ups, no teachers mixed up our names yet. Lang called me Angie a few times, and I'm sure Hally called me Angie, but what can you do? Michael asked me if I had a sister today, and Matlack goes "Are you kidding me? She has a like, TWIN sister." It made me laugh. Matlack- I've known him for 6 years and I still can't get that duck out my head whenever I say his name...=)

** humming my own little tune at 5:22:00 PM




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