September 26, 2004
She thought of mentors of long ago
Who watched her laugh, who helped her grow
Who saw her smile through highs and lows
Who taught her mind how to dance
His name was Matt. He was three years older than me, and that much taller. It was only one summer, I think. It could have been two, maybe. He was the quest master. His imitation of a "imp" still is sketched in my mind. He was the most ridiculous kid I ever knew. Questing was fabulous, though. With Graham and Jenny and Jesse and Angie, and sometimes Margot, and Matt, of course. We used foam swords (which I got pretty good at, I think) But than he moved to New England. Boarding school. And he took my book by that one person... about the twins with red hair and purple eyes. Alana. That's it. Yeah- he never gave it back. And I bought two of those "make your own ending" books from his garage sale. Those were fun. He and Graham had a falling out before he left. I never knew what side to be on. Granted, I knew Graham much better than I knew Matt, but Matt was never mean to me. He was in Mr. Zach's co-op, I think. =) Ohh dear. The only thing I remember about Mr. Zach is that he was HUGE and he wore red sneakers all the time. Good times. Do you think I'll forget about Matt and Mr. Zach when I grow up? Probably. That really makes me sad? Will I forget about Charlotte Healy and Hally Roberts? Will I forget about Emily Weigel? Will I forget about Mrs Mierzejewski and Mrs. Heinz and Mrs. Cady? I sure as HECK hope not.

His name was Matt- I'm positive. Not Chris or Drew, it was MATT

** humming my own little tune at 1:52:00 PM




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