October 20, 2004
And he don't sleep late anymore
Up like a farmer at half past four
When that sleepy sun pops up
He's halfway through his second cup
HOLY STROMBOLI! What a good evening. My day was good, as usual, but it was a way above average evening. Angie and Margot and Ellie and I went to a rally at Pearl Street for the environment. It was cool. Angie and I didn't stay the whole time, though, because we had to go to swim practice. There were only 17 kids at swimming, which is nice, I dislike crowded pools. Ellen and I both killed at PowerRack. I did especially well at freestyle, my backstroke times changed a lot, but 3 were under my goal time. But Free was good. AND THEN Mindy and Jill had strech cords all set up and those were fabulously fun. I was connected to an elastic cord that barely streched 25 yards. After I worked my butt off to get to the other end, Mindy would haul me back and the cord would constrict, so I was doing a 25 in less than 10 seconds. It was great. That is so fast. We were FLYING. It was really an incredible feeling- gliding through the water that fast, I felt like a skipping stone, just barely touching the water at all. Incredible, truly incredible.

West Wing premiered tonight. The episode went beyond all expectations. It's very suspenseful. West Wing is the only current TV show I watch, really. I highly recommend it. I hope that Donna gets better soon, though. I would be very sad if she didn't. Poor Joshua. =)

We're going to Stanford tomorrow early early early. It's my parents 25th reunion, so I'm going to check out the school. Stanford would be really fun to go to, but I don't know. I get to see Caroline, though. AND MORGANAUT AND SHRIMPKID. YEAH!!! I'm really excited about that. Morgan and Hannah, I do hope they are doing well. =)

Pleasant Dreams in Color

** humming my own little tune at 9:23:00 PM




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