October 12, 2004
Hey where did we go,
Days when the rains came
Down in the hollow,
Playin' a new game,
Laughing and a running hey, hey
Skipping and a jumping
In the misty morning fog with
Our hearts a thumpin' and you
My brown eyed girl,
You my brown eyed girl.
The aerobic set to day was certainly the hardest yet. The hardest this year, I mean. There have been harder, but not in the first 3 weeks of practice. Man, my butterfly was turning into a sinking fly. Like in that story about the princess who saves a fly from the Prince's teacup. Except that no one saved me. After I got home I had to lie in the lawn to cool off- our house was too warm to stay in. WHEW! But I'm officially the right temperature now. However, during the aerobic set, I was doing long-division again. I did that a lot when I was 12-13, but not so much these last few years. But I did it again today. I was finding what fraction and what percent of the set I had swam, and how much more we had to go. It was all very dorky. Ahh well. Everyone knows I'm a dork, they just don't realize that in so many ways......
The Royal Banner is coming out on Friday. I wrote an ultra-long article for it. http://banner.flatirons.org Yeah. Go there
MAN, in some ways I find it extrordinarily hard to believe that it's only October. In other ways, we've been in school for A WHOLE 6 WEEKS. And that's incredible, too. I don't think that it's been that long. But it has. ANd part of me thinks it's been 6 months. Ahh well. I'm already planning what I'm going to be doing next summer. Of Course.

** humming my own little tune at 6:37:00 PM




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