October 09, 2004
The remedy is the experience. It is a dangerous liaison
I says the comedy is that it's serious.
Which is a strange enough new play on words
I say the tragedy is how you're gonna spend the rest of your nights with the light on
So shine the light on all of your friends when it all amounts to nothing in the end.
I wont worry my life away.
I wont worry my life away.

This has been a crazy crazy week. Crazy beyond reason. Man. Had had some major moodswings going on a school. It was weird. One minute I was physched because Exalibur sang for one of my classes (they were fantastic) and then the next minute my history teacher gave us a KILLER assignment that was due the next day. It was up and down all week. But now I'm going to see SHARK TALE with Ellen tonight. It should be super fun. Ellen is very cool.

Yesterday in English Mrs. Gardner gave the speech of the century. I wish I could orate like her. I was on the verge of tears for no explainable reason. She wasn't talking about sad things, just what she said made so much sense to me. I was WOWing for a long time. Life is what you make it- out of the experiences as you see them. That's what she said.

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

-William Carlos William

Dr. Wei says that that poem is worthless. She hates it. Mrs. Gardner says this poem is the key. It's everything. I think I agree with Mrs. Gardner.

** humming my own little tune at 3:26:00 PM




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