October 29, 2004
When the moon is in the seventh house
And jupiter aligns with mars
The peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of aquarius
The age of aquarius
Extravaganza was very very good Thursday night. Incredibly. It made me wish I could sing and I could play the cello and I still played the trombone. But Only for a little while. I'm over it. But they were all very fabulous indeed. It made me happy. And Excalibur sang "In the Jungle" which was amazing, and I couldn't stop smiling. Angie & her jazz band played- all the jazz bands were good. It was a fun night- and I was over (for me) around 10, but all the choir kids were up until 12 at least doing tear-down and going to Denny's. But they had fun, too.
Swimming is also a blast. I still do miss some of the kids from last year, but that's okay. This year is ultra-fun, too. Steph has started coming to practices, which is good- she's hilarious. Speaking of which- Cross Country state is today- I hope they do fabulously. The girls, especially. Mrs. Cady said that they had a chance at first- although the runners don't think so. They're seated 3rd-ish, but so was the swim team, and we won state. Perhaps the luck will carry over. =)
The Banner came out yesterday. It was a pretty good issue- although I wrote the Staff Editorial, so I wasn't really credited. All well. We also had a Special Section about the election- which was very biased, I thought it was funny. =) Some pro-Bush people were upset. Tsk tsk. I do hope Kerry wins. Wyatt wrote a column about how the voting age should be lower, and I do think there's a good arguement to that fact- a lot of kids at FHS have much more of an idea about what happening in the world than many adults, I'm sure. But then there are the teenagers who don't know nor care what is happening. But I wish I could vote. This guy is going to be in office until I'm 20! That's old old old. And I can't REALLY do anything about it. bah!
I was going to write something else.....what was it? humph

** humming my own little tune at 6:52:00 PM




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