And the people all said,
"Sit down, sit down you're rockin' the boat."
The people all said,
"Sit down, sit down you're rockin' the boat."
Cause the Devil will drag you under,
By the sharp lapels of your checkered coat,
"Sit down, sit down you're rockin' the boat."
Ahh. I love days off of school. Angie, Mom and I went to the Community Food share to volunteer. It was kinda fun- my back got really stiff, and I managed to get several splinters. Hmmm. But I got to tramp around in a dumpster (filled with clean cardboard- nothing gross) I felt like those fauns from Fantasia. It's a been a long time since I've seen that movie. Huh. I sure do like yearbooks. They really raise your selfesteem. All these people write extreamly nice things about you. I need that every once in a while. "You are such a cool and nice and wonderful girl" "thank you so much for all of your positive encouragment" "you always make my day with your fanatastic smile" "you're a really smart, cool and interesting gal!" "you are sweet, hilarious, energetic, enthusiastic" "You're a wonderfully cheer and chirpy (like a bird!) person"