November 01, 2004
Everything I am
And everything in me
Wants to be the one
You wanted me to be
I'll never let you down
Even if I could
I'd give up everything
If only for your good
There was a mutiny at swim practice today. tsk tsk. All I was doing was leading the warm-up, and suddenly when I stopped after a 50- my 4 lane-people yelled at me about how I was on the wrong interval. Did they ask what the real interval was? No. It was a surround-sound complaint. But I was on the right interval. I was actually going slower that I was supposed, I think, but I didn't tell them that. It was quite suprising how everyone in my lane was willing to believe one person, without any proof, just because she thought it was hard. I laughed. Still, I was a little shaken, one doesn't usually survive a mutiny. (Unless you're Captian Jack Sparrow or Xena) =) Other than that, swimming was good. Good good good. My shoulder was hurting a little, which was kinda scary, because getting injured would be very bad. But it was better by the end of practice.
We had our pep-assembly today for Homecoming. That was fun. Excalibur Choir sand "In the Jungle" again, and I had it stuck in my head for the entirety of swim practice. The "JV poms" (aka Senior guys in wigs and waayy too tight outfits) performed, which is always funny. I liked it freshman year the best, that Fetter boy was in charge. Shoot! I already forgot his name.....Emily wants me to go to homecoming with her and Margo. I haven't decided if I am or not. Perhaps. We'd be the three faires from Sleeping Beauty. Is sleeping Beauty's real name Aurora or Briar Rose? I don't know. Natasha and I argued about it today during physics. I'll have to look it up. It's been a very long time since I've seen "Sleeping Beauty". Fairview's doing "Guys and Dolls" next week. I'm really excited- it should be good. Yeppp. And we get school off next Monday. I had forgotten about that. And this Thursday is pajama day (which is the best!) I have a lot to look forward to. =) That's a good way to be, I think, look forward to the small things in life. Like CHOICE alumni night! (Nov. 18th) =)

** humming my own little tune at 6:30:00 PM




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