I'll know when my love comes along
I won't take a change.
I'll know he'll be just what I need
Not some fly-by-night Broadway romance.
It's been an awfully long time since I updated. Not a heck of a lot has happened, though. That's alright, no news is good news, supposedly. Swim season started yesterday, although I didn't go to the first "real" practice. Oops. I was babysitting. =) Our first meet is in less than three weeks. I am very excited. very very. One VERY interesting thing was Fairview's Guys and Dolls produciton. It was fabulous beyond reason. really. I was blown away. Laura Krugel did a fantastic job of Sarah Brown. I really couldn't imagine anyone else doing it. The other leads were great, too. I kinda wish I knew those brillant actors, they seem like such cool people. Swimmers are fun, too, so I'm happy. And the sets were fabulous, too. It amazes me how kids my age can be so talented. I really hope they end up in hollywood or Broadway or Picadilly Circus (that's in London) "I'll know when my love comes along, I'll know in my heart...."
I think one of the best places in Boulder is the Spicy Pickle. I think I am wayyy to into it, though, and it's not as great as I imagine it. But that's okay, my fantasy world works perfectly for me. I mean, is there a better name for a resturant? "SPICY PICKLE" it sends shivers down my spine. Not quite as much as the sewer scene in Guys and Dolls but kinda. =) Wow, I'm a dork. =)
Speaking of me being a dork, I think the dorkiest thing in my life happened last week. We were doing dimensional analysis in chemistry (which everyone in the class has known how to do for several years, but the teachers like to do examples anyway.
<- that is how you set up a dimenstional analysis problem. Well, Mr. Albritton decided to randomly put a dot in the middle of his fraction, drawing something like
. He asked "what does that look like?" and I said "A Tie-fighter!" Our classroom has staggered seating, and I sit in the front and lowest row, so everyone was starting down at me. It was cool. Mr. Albritton said I was the only person ever to have guessed that. Man.

Jinger still hasn't written us a letter. Bummer, dude. Mrs. Cady says she's writing multiple drafts. =)
The Royal Banner came out on Friday. I wrote an article about Cross Country, it was pretty good, I think. I hope I didn't sound like I had absolutely no idea what I was talking about. That would have been bad. But no one said anything of the sort. That's a good sign, I guess.