November 16, 2004
Live a life less ordinary
Live a life extraordinary with me
Live a life less sedentary
Live a life evolutionary with me
Sooo many kids came to swim practice today and yesterday. It was rough. Seriously, the waves in the pool were so big you could call it rough OCEAN water. We started from different ends of the pool, so the first person wouldn't catch the last. We could only do 25s, 50s, and 75s. During the aerobic set yesterday I nearly cried, it was so hard to breath, to swim against the current created by people going the opposite direction. And poor Steph, she was a disaster. I hope she gets better soon. =( ahhhhhhhh. I also hope less people come to practice. Today wasn't as bad, we did fast 50s as anaerobic, so there was no long aerobic set. Which was nice.

Today in math Mr. Ebadi talked about the ranking of the smartest states. Colorado was number 21, or something. "Colorado should be in the top 10," said Mr. Ebadi. "I mean, in Boulder County, these are the smartest people I've ever seen. But then you go to Limon.... no, there's nothing wrong with Limon, folks." I just cracked up. I had to quote it so I would remember it forever. Mr. Ebadi CRACKS ME UP. It's great. greatgreatgreat.

Jinger wrote Angie and I back. I LOVE getting regular mail. It's the greatest thing since timbucktoo. I don't even know what that saying means. Anyway, JInger said that she came up with the phrase "fan-flippin'-tastic" so if you want to use you, you have to ask her (or pay her) first. Otherwise, it's plagerism. =)

** humming my own little tune at 6:34:00 PM




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