We said we would keep in touch
But we're way out of reach
We stopped writing months ago
And we haven't talked in weeks
Tons of kids are still coming to swim practice. I guess I'll get used to it- the overcrowded lanes, the buzzing of voices all the time, the splashes, the having to know 70 kids names. I knew the 54 names of girls there last friday. I was quite impressed with myself. Not last names, mind you, but that's okay. I think that I'm a shoe-in for capitan next year. I'm the only one every single freshman recognizes. And maybe Steph, too. Maybe not. Hmmm.
Revenge of the Sith comes out exactly 6 months from yesterday. Isn't that exciting beyond reason? I hope that it's fantastic. Billy thinks that it will be. The trailer was pretty good, I think. I hope the Obiwan/Anakin fight is also spectacular. It should be. Lucas usually doesn't mess up the fight scenes.
Jenni is doing a profile on me for the yearbook. That is very kind of her, I'm certainly not on of the most interesting juniors. But I had fun filling out her questionaire. "If you were a ghost, who would you haunt?" "What kind of candy would you be?" I'm excited to see all the other people's answers. Man! That's a long time away.
I'm psyched that it's Thanksgiving Break. P-S-Y-C-H-E-D. (That's a FHS cheer) Although, I couldn't sleep in today because an alarm in my room went off, and I couldn't go back to sleep. But TOMORROW I will sleep in. yeah! I should probably do some homework before it's too late. Yeah. I'll do my chemistry after this.
The CHOICE alumni night was Thursday night. It was great. I love Alumni night. It's always a pleasure to see Mrs. Rundell. She's such a fabulous person. Granted, I didn't get to talk to her very much, but she just as an aura of excitedness. Emmy Smith used to talk about auras. No- it was Kelly, with whom Emmy had a love/hate relationship with. They would be very civilized toward eachother some of the time, and talk about auras and such, and other times they hated eachother with a passion. It was interesting to watch...But I think they might be friends now. Except Kelly graduated last year. Wow. That's weird to think about. It's weird to think about Emmy as a junior. Margot saw her last week on the bus. ANYWAY, Alumni night was great fun. I wish they had it more often. I, unfortunately, didn't know any of of the 8th graders that were there. Well, I kinda knew Olivia and Travis, but just from stories. Next year, I won't know ANYONE. That's horrible. I told Mrs. Rundell to say Hi to Mrs. Mierzejewski for me. I want to talk to her. Mrs. Mierzejewski is a very cool person, too. I think more teachers are model human beings than in any other profession. It makes sense, too.