January 23, 2005
But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door
Well, being 17 isn't very much different than being 16, but it sure is a jerk to reality about how old I am. In a year and a half I'll be getting ready to go to college and leave my family forever. Hmmmm. That's weird to think about.
The Boulder County swim meet was this weekend. I woke up Friday with a majorly runny nose, which was a bummer, because I didn't swim very fast at prelims- barely snuck into finals in my events. Yesterday I felt pretty bad, but swam pretty well anyway. Not as great as I had hoped, but that's okay. I was sick afterall. Ahh well. Fairview got first and second, too. We split into four teams, which was fun. Julia Carleton and Bailey made their State Cuts, which was great, I was happy for them. =) Julia dropped about 4 seconds in the two days. She's supercool. I can't imagine swimming without them on the team. And Emily and Hailey and even melodramtic Tory and Sarah who I never see. Then again, last year I couldn't imagine the team without Savanah and Caroline. Life goes on, I suppose.

I have a lotlotlot of homework to do. But I think I'll do it. There is a sense of completion in doing homework. But not really enough to make all that busy work seem worthwhile. Bummer.

** humming my own little tune at 10:52:00 AM




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