February 13, 2005
Buddy you're a young man hard man
Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day
You got blood on yo' face
You big disgrace
Wavin' your banner all over the place
Well, that was it. 2nd place at Colorado State Championships, which actually is pretty good, if I do say so myself. We were happy. It's hard to beat Cherry Creek- they went one, two, three in the 500 free. That's nuts. I've decided that Fairview has great depth- and we got a HUGE number of qualifiers to State. It's just that Cherry Creek has shallower depth- so it doesn't actually count as deep depth (like us) but then they have 3 people in finals, whereas we have 1 person in finals and 3 in consols. That's why they win. Which is good, I guess. We don't want to become a dynasty and EXPECT to win every year. It is kinda a bummer that the press names Fairview State Champ for about a month, and then gives it back to Creek because they look better on paper. We actually kept the score pretty close until the 500. Julie did her best, but it's hard when you're up against Creek. But good job to our team...
Ellen, Julia, Madeline, Bits, Emily, Bailey, Hally, Steph, Katherine, Morgan, Lauren, Christina, Tory, Kristen, Julie, and Jill, Mindy, and Bob. And our cheerers- Angie, MacKenzie, Starin, Sarah, Hailey, Lauren K, Allie, and Megan YEAH! But, it's over. I have nothing else to worry about. Bailey cried yesterday as she was leaving. It was sad. But, we still have 3.5 months of school left- it's not like I'll never see these people again, right? Of course right. Now I have all the free time in the world. Nothing to do but homework and hang out. Watch Star Trek reruns. =) Maybe not, we'll see. Oh- and I'll have to change my wallpaper, I guess. But, CONGRATS TO US. And thank you, to all your marvelous swimmers--- It's been a ball.

** humming my own little tune at 9:33:00 AM




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