There's a party goin' on right here A celebration to last throughout the years So bring your good times, and your laughter too We gonna celebrate your party with you
Lalalalalalalala. We went to Pops last night. It was very fun. That sort of thing makes me feel very inadaquet. But, it was very fun to watch. I do like the comedy ones the best, like Painting the Town (which was this really cool drum thing with glow in the dark sticks and drums) and Sarah and Eleanor's comedy sketch was hilarious, too. And Jesse and Brian were great in The Three Little Pigs. Lalala. But the closer song will be stuck in my head for a long long time.
The Oscars are tonight. I'm rooting for the major underdog, Finding Neverland but I know that it doesn't have a chance. And Mr. Depp doesn't have a 1:12309573829 chance for best actor, either. But that's alright. It'll be fun. Allie is having an Oscars Party at her house, which will also be fun. I'm glad us swimmers are still hanging out. I've been with Julia Carleton all weekend. Laser Tag last night (which was so fun. I love laser tag. We really should join a team. Laser Tag tournaments! How absolutely awesome would that be? =) ) And then she joined Luke, Kate, Angie and I at Pops. And NOW she'll be at the Oscar party (which starts at 4:00. I'm not that interested to be at Allie's house for 6 hours. I think I'll come late. =) )
So, you know, I was going to write something ingenious and mind blowing, but I forgot it. So, you'll just have to wait with held breath until I post again. Oh, and if I don't post tomorrow, HAPPY MARCH. (Thank goodness it's march. Out like a lion, in like a lamb. It's SPRINGTIME, only 3 and some months of school left. Ahhh. Talk about 3rd quarter slump. hooray for March!)