February 01, 2005
There's a song that they sing when they take to the highway
A song that they sing when they take to the sea
A song that they sing of their home in the sky
Maybe you can believe it if it helps you to sleep
But singing works just fine for me
Happy February, folks. Rabbit Rabbit. Hare hare. Whichever you're supposed to say first. That's a strange tradition, if I do say so. I read a book about it when I was a kid, I think. And the girl in the book came up with a cool method of remembering which was at night and which was in the morning.... I think. Then again, Angie accuses me of making up childhood books. Like that one about the monkey in the big red hat who ate lots and lots of spaghetti and then ate too much and was sick. That was SO a book. But cynical Angie doesn't believe me. Bah! Of course, Angie did bite me today. Full-on beaver teeth in the shoulder. It was quite a surprise. Ahhh sisterly bickering, what can I say? Nothing, that's what.

Trevor and I decided that we should ban history text books. They're horrible. We should instead read really good historical ficiton all the time. Or autobiographies. Textbooks (especially history ones) are useless. Some are way overly simplified, others are wayyy too detailed. And of course there is never a happy-medium. Never. Not once. That stinks! But we've started reading a different book now- The World in the 20th Century or something along those lines. It's better than our overly colorful textbook. It does seem odd, however, that in World History we spend a semester on the 20th century. That's half our time for about a thousandth of the world's history. Huh.

Jesse and I have started emailing again- which is great, I love hearing from her. North Carolina is a very long way away, if you ask me. But, we always use Peter Pan quotes for our subject, and Jesse's are always very good....

  1. 12/11-- oh the cleverness of me!
  2. 12/13--And a little bit of PIXIE DUST
  3. 12/18--Boy, why are you crying?
  4. 12/22--That was no thimble
  5. 1/4--She must stay here and die!
  6. 1/6--I remember kisses, let me see it. Aye tat is a kiss- a powerful thing
  7. 1/19--You offend reason sir...
  8. 1/22--Well, it is frightfully fascinating
  9. 1/27--Swords, daggers...Napoleon!!!
  10. 1/29--I should like to be called Red Handed Jill
I don't remember what my quotes were, but that's okay. I'm sure they were just as brillant. (although, I admit, I didn't write them, we stole them from Peter Pan =) )

I'm so psyched for Revenge of the Sith. It should be fabulous beyond reason. Qui-Gon is coming back, or sold I'm told by my Hyper-space belonging friends. Hooray! Only how long.... 4ish months? YEAH!

I'm waiting for this lady to email me about working in Washington DC for an article, and she hasn't yet, which is not cool. So that's why I'm rambling a lot. Lot a lot. But, what can I do? Nada. Those DC people- very unreliable =)

** humming my own little tune at 8:14:00 PM




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