Wasting time I shall miss this thing When it all rolls by What a day... Wanna stay, stay, stay, stay, stay here for awhile.
I just got back from Snowmass about an hour ago. It was fabulous. Fresh snow everyday, fun people, great skiing. Very successfuly trip, if I do say so myself.
13 new snow inches 12 neighbors skiing 11 overpriced meals 10 (maybe more) lifts running 9 bowls of fruit loops eaten 8 hours of driving 7 times down Powerline Glades 6 adults and 6 "kids" 5 dollars worth of fudge 4 days of skiing 3 afternoons of white-outs 2 hot-tub trips and 1 successful attempt to rule the world
That last point was referring to our game of RISK, which I won, despite the Greenland Blunder, and the sibbling rivalries. It was quite interesting. I don't think I've ever finished a game of Risk, not to mention win one. I thought for sure Graham would win, but I wiped him out in the fourth round or so- he got mad at his sister and wasted troops in stupid attacks. Luckily for him, Jack got bored at went to watch Survivor or something similar, so Graham took his spot. But, then I killed the last of Graham's troops later in the game. Angie would have destroyed Graham, had it not been for the China Slip. Hmmmm. I think my luck would have been different had it not been for that. However, it was my Greenland Blunder which made Angie a world power anyway, and destroyed my only ally. And poor Tom, signed a treaty only to be turned into a pawn of war (and those Risk Cards tsk tsk) What a game =)
But, it was a fabulous ski trip. We had a huge about of fresh snow. Saturday and Sunday were complete white-outs in the afternoon. It was crazy. We went up on the Cirque lift to the very top of the mountain, and you couldn't even see the snow falling. It was white on white on white. You couldn't distinguish the ground from the sky. It was the strangest sensation ever. But today was a classic Sparkle Day. It was sunny almost the entire day, and fresh snow coated everything. Angie and I could have had fresh tracks, but we were too nice and waited for our parental units. We got pretty close to fresh tracks, anyway.