February 23, 2005
You are singing to me still
Like a kid loves candy and fresh snow
I love you oh so well
Enough to fill up heaven overflow and fill hell
Love you oh so well
I think that Sam put it very nicely today- it's the 3rd quarter slump. And we're right in the middle of it. Not very cool, if you ask me. I mean, we have 3 4-day weeks in a row, and no one is excited about it. Spring Break is only a few weeks away, and no one is counting down. We just don't care anymore. It's pathetic. It's happening to me, too. Grades aren't great, nothing extraordinary is happening in our classes. This morning I woke up and thought "I can't believe it's already Wednesday." By 3:00, I was thinking "I can't believe it's ONLY WEDNESDAY!" I don't think I did anything productive today, except ride Ellen home on the tandem. That was fun. Tandems are great fun. Perhaps I can convince my parents to get a cooler one. Although I like my tandem just swell.

I just can't stop thinking about the summer. It's terrible. I'm reliving swim meets and Meadows and the Tour de France and vacations. AHHHH. We still have more than FOUR months of school. That's forever. FOREVER IS AN AWFULLY LONG TIME. terribly. And it's not just me who is stuck on summer, either. It's the weather, too. It was supposed to snow today, but no, it decided to be warm and sunny and taunt us poor school-bound children. I was not happy. I have to get back in school-mode. But, I do like "third quarter slump" it's almost as catchy as "hump-day". Thanks to Lynn for that one. =)

** humming my own little tune at 4:26:00 PM




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