March 30, 2005
Baby's black balloon makes her fly I almost fell into that hole in your life And you're not thinking about tomorrow 'Cause you were the same as me But on your knees Tiffany was talking the other week about how you get change reality if you really concentrate. Her example was getting a State-cut in a swim race. My example is this Spring Break. Soo, that Friday two weeks ago was so crazy and hectic- it was incredible. I lost my history homework, I found my history homework, I did badly on my physics test, I was spastic in the socratic semenar for english- it was just a bad day. AND THEN- it was break. And everything went so perfectly. The snow was great for skiing, the weather here was good enough. Jenny and Jesse DID come, despite me trying to make myself believe they wouldn't despite my clues that they would. We had a ball- no one fought or even more than mildly glared at eachother. We played Pictionary (and Jenny and I won a game. Hip hip HOORAY!) we watched Peter Pan, and Finding Neverland and Sound of Music (which really doesn't have to do with much, I just like that movie), we had a mystery party and Julia and Jesse met eachother. It was so much fun, everything was absolutely wonderful. AND THEN-- It was this morning. School started, and J&J caught a flight back to Chapel Hill. The moment they stepped out of the door the chaos started again. My bike brakes didn't work, I lost my helmet, forgot my lunch, then went back for it, then forgot my bike lock and went back for that, it was crazy. I just don't know. I must be fiddling with the universe again. I should stop doing that....
** humming my own little tune at 5:33:00 PM