March 08, 2005
Celebrate we will
Because life is short but sweet for certain
We’re climbing two by two
To be sure these days continue,
These things we cannot change
Betsy Hoffman resigned as CU president. Huh. CU has been in trouble, recently, hasn't it? That's the understatement of the century. Maybe the Nichols will move back, so Nick can be president of CU. Although that would be kinda weird, I must say. I asked Jesse last summer if she would move back to CO if she could, and she couldn't decide. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to move again if I were her. She's lived in North Carolina for 6 years, now. That's a lot of your life, for me at least- seeing as I'm only 17. And sure, she loved Boulder, but six years somewhere else changes you a lot. And although I love Jesse, she's the coolest kid ever, and best friend I could hope for- I've done so much that maybe I wouldn't had she been here. Maybe I'd still be playing soccer, maybe I'd be good at soccer. Maybe I wouldn't have joined the swim team, or maybe I would have, just not been as good. I wouldn't have been such good friends with Morgan and Emmy and Lynn during middle school. I wouldn't have been near as good friends with so many kids now. But enough of this hypothetical junk. They're not moving back- Nick is being considered as the president of William and Mary College. That's a big job. =)

I'm reading Madame Bovary for English. Not very many seniors liked it very much, so my class has judged it before they opened page number xvi. They also have a problem with roman numerals, and call pages "xvi" rather than 16. Tsk tsk. Learn roman numerals, folks, they're neat. =) So, I don't mind Madame Bovary that much, yet, although she hasn't had too many suicidal thoughts yet, and her first affair is just barely starting. From what I deduce, it gets kind of repetitive from here on out. =) Ah well. It's CSAP week, so us upper-classmen don't have to go to school until 12! It's a miracle. =)

Oh, I almost forgot- while driving through crazy traffic to swimming today I made Julia really annoyed with me because I was making a very long list of how to be happy.... ehem!

    How To Be Happy
  1. Swim a lot
  2. Don't complain
  3. Don't ride the Skip too much
  4. Don't wear sunglasses in the shade
  5. DUCK!
  6. Don't walk like that guy
  7. Run away from that guy really fast
  8. Wear tennis shoes more often than you think you should so you can do impromptu things like running to get quarters for a meter.
  9. Ride your bike
  10. When Julia gives you a look like that stop making a list about how to be happy

** humming my own little tune at 8:15:00 PM




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