Oh this lonely world is wasted
Pathetic eyes high alive
Blind to the tide that turns the sea
This storm it came up strong
It shook the trees
And blew away our fear
I couldn't even hear
Soo, no ha mucho a decir hoy. Que lastima. I taped the O.C. last night to see the Star Wars trailer. It's great. "You were the chosen one!" Yeah, I think I should say that more often. Let's make a list (I LOVE lists!)
Things I should say more often- "You were the chosen one!" -Obiwan
- "That's a load of lies!" -Ellen
- "It's 1183 and we're barbarians! Of course he has a knife!"- Eleanor of Aquitaine
- "Like Kurasawa, I make mad films okay, I don't make films but if I did they'd have a samurai" -Barenaked Ladies
- "Great warrior? Wars do not make one great"- Yoda
- "Let the Wookie win"- C3PO
- The world is my oyster
- "So long, and thanks for all the fish"-Julia quoting Douglas Adams
- "You can't trample infidels when you're a tortoise"
I quote a lot of people. I should make my own quotes. Yess... and I think that Julia would have my head on a platter for saying "So long and thanks for all the fish". She's copy-righted it, although I supposed Douglas Adams also has it copy-righted. My dad has been sick these last few days- I think he's feeling better today- he's talking a lot and teaching my doggy tricks and saying things like "YEAH BILBAO! You're the best, you're the best puppy. Oh, we're out of treats, that's all you get for being the best puppy." It's cute. Now's he's reading over my shoulder and laughing. Ah well. that' okay.