March 12, 2005
Too many years fighting back tears
Why can't the past just die

Wishing you were somehow here again
Knowing we must say goodbye
Try to forgive, teach me to live
Give me the strength to try

Do SAT proctors just volunteer, or are they selected? I would think that the SAT people would want to make sure the proctors fit certain requirements. Like make sure they we're too cute. You wouldn't want the proctors to distract a portion of the kids taking the test, would you? No, not at all. My proctors certainly didn't distract me today, but I wonder if they get not-so-hot people on purpose. Not that my proctors were bad looking at all, they were just old. Hmmm. You'd also have to make sure the proctors didn't smell or wear clothes that clinked or squeak as they walked. To make the SAT and like tests completely objective, they should have everyone take them in a white box. Because who knows? Maybe the kid next to you is really cute. =)

I taped the OC so I could watch the Star Wars trailer. I'm really excited. But I already wrote about that. Hmmm. is my new favorite Star Wars site. It is kinda cannon, though, so I'm not that original. =)

Well, the SAT went alright. We got a essay prompt that was the first one I had gotten that I couldn't use MLK or Gandhi on. It was interesting. We were the first people to take the new SAT, so it'll be interesting how that goes. Yessss.....

** humming my own little tune at 3:52:00 PM




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