It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger
It was the second to last episode of West Wing last Wednesday. It was very good- one of the best of the season. Matt Santos isn't running with Russell, thank goodness- for a while there I thought that Vinick was going to be president for the next several years. But no. Santos still has a chance. I like Josh- he's cool. He fought it out with Leo over whether or not Matt should take Russell's vice-presidential proposal. Vinick, however, had a very nice speach about Mr. Barlett. Although none of the democrats were happy about it. Nope, not a bit. NOT ONLY THAT, but CJ (my favoritest character) is going to get fired. Majorly. That's really a bummer, if you ask me. I like CJ. She leaked a secret about a battle spacestation to the press. She's in trouble. Major major trouble. Maybe Josh will hire her back if Matt wins the presidential race. Although we only have one episode left this season, and I don't konw how they are going to cover everything that needs to be. I wonder what George Bush thinks of this TV show.... =) It's the WEEKEND! Three day weeks are super, even though we don't have block days. Hooray for that. I have to write a lot of words this weekend. Darn it!
So, Terri Schiavo died. Thank goodness. I feel so sorry for her husband and her, too. Her parents were delusional. She deserved to die, I think, this whole "right to die" arguement will last forever. Why would vegetable-people want to keep living? Heck- if there is some afterlife place we can all go to, why would you want to stay here? Pope John Paul II is also on the verge of death. Why are the headlines only about death these days? LIFE, people, that's what we're doing here. =)
I think the comic artists were involved in a conspiracy today. Here they are: