April 17, 2005
I've gotta get outta here
I'm stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake
I've gotta get outta here
And I'm begging you, I'm begging you, I'm begging
You to be my escape.
Thus begins the detailed adventures of Kristen "Flying Squirrel" . In my adventures I meet many a interesting and unique character. Today, for example, Ellen "Mighty Bumblebee" and I rode many a mile on our bicycles. After several stalled decision-making sessions, we stopped by South Boulder Creek to eat the apples and pecan sandies I cleverly packed in a green plastic newspaper bag. We waded in the freshly melted snow water for quite awhile- soon our feet were numb enough to wade up the creek. With a slimy stick in one hand, and the other flailing wildly to keep our balance, we started the long march up. We had quite a bundle of fun.
We encountered one (1) short and round dog that didn't like us. Ellen said "Hello, Dog" very friendly like, and the dog replied "I'm fat and don't like being talked to" and then trundled away. We also found two (2) snails, one of which was boring and didn't move and then fell off the rock once we tried to put it back in the water. The other one, however, was found on a big rock Ellen wanted to throw, but it moved about and we got a kick out of it.
Water skippers were also around, but they kept to themselves, mostly, and darted away when we tried to make first contact. An old lady freaked out about a twig that was stuck to the back of my leg, thinking it was an insect. We also tried desperately to cross the roaring river, but because we were both in jeans that wouldn't roll up past our knees, we were trappedo on our side (neither of us were truly willing to sacrifice our jeans for the joys of the other bank). So, after making an excursion up the river, we turned around and came back. I thought it was hard going down, as the current pushed you forward, but "Mighty Bumblebee" thought it was easier; you didn't have to drag your feet against the stream like salmon.
Thus ends the detailed adventures of "Mightly Bumblebee" and "Flying Squirrel". Stay tuned for scenes from next week. Peace.

** humming my own little tune at 3:43:00 PM




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