April 27, 2005
One day Chicken Little was walking in the woods when -- KERPLUNK -- an acorn fell on her head
"Oh my goodness!" said Chicken Little. "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! I must go and tell the president!"
On her way to the king's palace, Chicken Little met Henny Penny. Henny Penny said that she was going into the woods to hunt for worms.
"Oh no, don't go!" said Chicken Little. "I was there and the sky is falling! We must go tell the president!"
So Henny Penny joined Chicken Little and they went along and ran along as fast as they could.
Soon they met Cocky Locky, who said, "I'm going to the woods to hunt for seeds."
"Oh no, don't go!" said Henny Penny. "The sky is falling there! We’re going to tell the president!"
So Cocky Locky joined Henny Penny and Chicken Little, and they went along and ran along as fast as they could.
Soon they met Goosey Loosey, who was planning to go to the woods to look for berries.
"Oh no, don't go!" said Cocky Locky. "The sky is falling there! Come with us to tell the president!."
So Goosey Loosey joined Cocky Locky, Henny Penny and Chicken Little, and they ran along as fast as they could.
Then who should appear on the path but sly Foxy Woxy. "Where are you going, my fine feathered friends?" asked Foxy Woxy. He spoke in a polite manner, so as not to frighten them.
"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" cried Chicken Little.
"And we are going to tell the President!," said Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, and Goosey Loosely at the same time.
"I know a shortcut to the palace," said Foxy Woxy sweetly. "Come and follow me."

** humming my own little tune at 7:51:00 PM




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