April 19, 2005
Outside the street's on fire in a real death waltz
Between flesh and what's fantasy and the poets down here
Don't write nothing at all, they just stand back and let it all be
And in the quick of the night they reach for their moment
And try to make an honest stand but they wind up wounded, not even dead
Tonight in jungleland
So, today wasn't a good day in the world of Kristen's role models. It was really depressing, actually, and I'm rather upset. So, as everyone probably already know thanks to my very loud complaints, Mr. Tyler Hamilton was suspended yesterday from cycling. He was found guilty in his trial. So, take your pick of the least-hurtful article...
  1. Hamilton draws two year suspension
  2. OR Gold Medal-Winning Cyclist Hamilton Given Two-Year Ban
  3. Or Hamilton denies drug charge, vows a fight
  4. Or Hamilton Will Fight His Two-Year Doping Ban
  5. Or Hamilton barred for two years
  6. OR Two-year suspension for Colorado cyclist Hamilton
SO, there you have it. It's tough to have the only person you really care about in the cycling world to be ashamed and humiliated because he's an idiot. I spent my whole summer cheering for this guy, living his ups and downs while the rest of the nations was propelled on Lance's wins. I was the one with the underdog, making a fool out of my self for HIS sake. I made him a bracelet to counter the Livestrong Armstrong bracelets that swept the nation (not that I don't support the research of cancer). I made him a TSHIRT. For goodness sakes, Mr. Hamilton, don't you have any respect for your supporters? Did you think you were going to get away with this? Well, yeah, I can see how you could think that, as the rest of the SPORT is doped up, too. And I don't want to be a party pooper and be the first Tyler-supporter to jump the boat, because I'm not. I've been on the damn boat since August, buddy, and, being a scientist myself, I can't trust your lying face any more. Now, please please please prove me wrong and get your case appealed and reversed. That would make my year.

** humming my own little tune at 4:59:00 PM




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