April 15, 2005
Row, row, row, your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream
So, nothing of note has happened in the Life of Kristen recently. (I've never seen Monty Python's Life of Brian, I think I should. But Monty Python is kinda like Douglas Adams- they're hilarious, but the same complete randomness over and over gets kinda old) Then again, nothing much of note happens in the life of Kristen, anyway. This isn't a new development. However, this "Row Your Boat" song has reminded me of fun long-winded versions of it. For example(ehem)...
Propel, propel, Propel your craft
Placidly down the liquid solution
Ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically,
Existance is but an illusion
When you put it that way, this song is kinda philosophical. Umm, there was also a rendition of "Three Blind Mice" that started like "A trio of sightless rodents". That was fun, too. I think Leah Valenstine taught that to J and J and Angie and I. Maybe. Or it might have been my dad. WHO KNOWS? When Leah was our nanny in the summer, we (Jenny, Jesse, Angie and I) made the Lovin' Leah magazine. It was really cool. We had all sorts of nifty things, including how to do the ten-althalon, where you cartwheeled, swam, run, monkey bared (yes, that is a verb) and bunch of other supercool motions of transportation. It was good fun.

The Banner was supposed to come out today. Wyatt still hopes it'll get here by noon. The printer broke down, you see, and so everything is backed up. Like how my supercool red tennis shoes/water shoes were on backorder. But, I finally got them and now you can't even tell I stepped in a puddle of mud less than 48 hours ago. =) Oh man, the clutziness of me will go down in history (LIke George Washington!)

** humming my own little tune at 9:05:00 AM




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