April 05, 2005
We ate the food, we drank the wine
Everybody having a good time
Except you
You were talking about the end of the world
So, I would like to make a revision on my yesterday post. I never get mad at anyone. I am one of the least tempered, calmest, passive people around. However, I can get disappointed and upset. But not mad. Yesterday's post made it seem like I was mad, and I wasn't. I haven't been truly mad in a very very very long time. So there's that. Being mad just creates more trouble than necessary. Forgive and forget, people, unless you're an elephant, in which case you should forgive and then not think about it. =)

So, I think I should make a "My Father's Dragon" fanlisting. Although I'm not great at Javascript, and who would join? Not a lot of people, that's for sure. Maybe in the summer, when I have more time to mess around with pictures and websites. Not that I don't do that a lot already. =) But, I do believe that "My Father's Dragon" series needs a fanlisting. yess.

Well, it's dinnertime, and we're having leftovers. And I have to pour the drinks. Meaning water for my parents and milk for Angie and I. =) Not spiked. How gross would that be... alcholic milk? Or carbonated milk? Gross.

** humming my own little tune at 7:12:00 PM




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