But I sing glory from my lowest
And I will say peace to the people I meet
While the world waits for an explosion
That instant of light that wipes the slate clean
Yo! Shout out to all my Royal Banner buddies. I think I won for going crazy first, although Devon's "I'm officially crazy" speech was quite wonderful. And Carey, my dear, I'm quite afraid that you might be permanently damaged in the head. But, we'll survive, won't we? Yes. Late Nights are quite nutty. We got a lot done, though, I do think my precious special section will survive. Although Lizzi did quote Dr. Suess in her column, and I THOUGHT that I had reserved it for mine next year. Bummer. I'll just have to pick a different fabulous person to quote. There is a turf war going on in newspaper. Well, really it's some people vs. Dan vs. people who are slightly neutral. Guess what area I fit into?! That's right- I'm not really a fan of either party. I just kinda sit there and break up any terrible fights by throwing my chair. It's pretty nutty. I already said that, didn't I? I told you I've gone crazy. As nutty as a squirrel in the spring. I was typing Nitin's article up and Devon suddenly started staring at me like I was growing horns. Soon he had everyone in the room stunned by how fast I could type. It was slightly embarassing- and of course I couldn't type as well because so many people were looking at me. It was dead silent. Weird. I tell you- Paws Typing Program- it'll be the death of me yet.
I miss Jinger. Of course I do. I also miss the fabulous Nichol sisters, but that's a given. I also miss Morgan and Shrimpkid and Savannah and the Clemens and Caroline and Emily and Corey and everyone I've ever know and didn't see in the last month. But that's okay. I've learned to cope =)
The Film Lit class was doing presentations as I was working on newspaper- it was interesting. They're not ones for letting people enjoy the movie. No siree bobaguchee. "Notice this" or "see that" or "take note of" or "they use sirens for" or "the transitions are" or or or. Fortunately, I have no interest in watching either Donnie Darko again or what was the other movie? I forget....hmmm. 3rd period was a long long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
Did I say how much I liked Star Wars? I thought it was awesome. Dan was the first person to diss it in my presence today- I almost had to smack him- but Dan and I have had quite a few arguements as of late, so I held back.