May 01, 2005
Good Morning! I've come to return the book I've borrowed!
Finished already?
Oh I couldn't put it down. Got anything new?
Not since yesterday!
That's alright. I'll borrow...this one!
That one?! But you've read it twice!
Well, it's my favorite!
Far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!
Well, if you like it all that much, it's yours.
But sir!
I insist.
Well thank you! Thank you very much!

Look there she goes- that girl is so peculiar.
I wonder if she's feeling well.
With a dreaming for a look.
And her nose stuck in a book.
What a puzzle to the rest of us, that's Belle.
Yes, that is a song. It's from Beauty and the Beast. I want to see that play on Broadway- it doesn't actually have to be on broadway, that would be okay. I really just want to see the play. And I want to read the original Peter Pan. It was a play, first, you know. A play, then a book, then several movies. =) Then several take-offs. It deserves that much attention, though. I also want to see Wicked - I didn't really like the book that much, but I still think that it is a supercool idea (the whole Wicked Witch of the West isn't so terrible) AND did you know the girl who plays AnnaBeth on West Wing is also Glinda in Wicked? That's pretty nutty. We were watching the news and they did a short thing on Wicked and I was like "HEY! I know that person!" and Angie said "Yeah! Who is she?" and Mom said "Isn't that MaryAnne from West Wing?" and Angie said "It's AnnaBeth, Mom." Angie and I are usually the ones to recognize people. Who knew? Not I, said the fly. Nor me, said the flea.
Look there she goes a girl
who's strange but special
A most peculiar mad'moiselle
It's a pity and a sin
She doesn't quite fit in
'Cause she really is a funny girl
A beauty but a funny girl
She really is a funny girl
That Belle

** humming my own little tune at 10:22:00 AM




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