May 03, 2005
I'm holding my hands together
I'm holding my feet together
I'm holding myself together
In this near wild heaven
Not near enough
I'm tired of making scrapbook pages. I don't know why suddenly I have to make so many, but I'm tired of it. I made 11 senior pages for the senior swimmers; I made Julia as soc-book page; NOW I'm making pages for the retiring elementary school teachers. There are 8 or so that are retiring from my good old Eisenhower Elementary, and I had most of them. Mrs. Heinz, Mr. Hoban, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Rhodes Mrs. Lopez, so I'm making pages for them, too. I don't know what to write. The only one who really knows me is Mrs. Heinz, so maybe I'll only do a page for her. What should I put on it? My Father's Dragon and A Toad for Tuesday and Amelia Bedilia quotes? Nope, that's not very interesting. A long, cheesy thank you? I've done that about five times already for her, I'm stuck! I have scrap-book-page-making-block! It's truly terrible. I hope it's not infectious. That would be unfortunate. Ahhhh! But I have so much stuff I have to do! This week is going to be the death of me!

I did check the AP Calc. test off my list, though, which is good. I'm not allowed to talk (or type) about it so, I won't. But I thought it was hard. And at least it's over. And know I have to think of something awesome to do tomorrow during 3rd.

I had a dream about Prom last night. It was weird. Aidan was in it. And his mom. Very weird, I must say. I haven't thought about Mrs. Rush in weeks, and suddenly she pops into my subconcious. Dreams are so wacky. I wish I knew what they meant. Really. I remember so many of my dreams, and they are all so crazy.

Lots of kinda weird things happened today. Mrs. Wickham's 7th period attacked Mr. Boland's 5th period class with balloon and Star Wars music. Their code was "The duck is in the pond"- it was over the announcements. Teachers are really as cool as they seem. =) I also sent Mary Kate on a top-secret mission to ask Mrs. Cady where her One-Eyed-One-Horned-Flying-Purple-People-Eater was. Sam and I tried to steal it again, but it was GONE! from where she kept it last semester. I think she became suspicious, but fortunately Mary Kate didn't tell her it was I who wanted the information. Sam and I will have to go about this very carefully and cleverly. Newspaper has gotten very hectic suddenly- it's an unexpected factor in my list of things that makes my life CRAZY currently. But, that's okay. I'm handling every fabulously. =)

** humming my own little tune at 4:18:00 PM




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