Maybe if I could do a play-by playback I could change the test results that I will get back I've watched the summer evenings pass by I've heard the rattle in my bronchi...
I just called Steph randomly about printing on overheads, and we had a very nice coversation. It's amazing how little you can see a person even though they go to the same school as you and live 2 miles away. And even if you're very good friends. We talked about biking and skiiing and swimming (MEADOWS, especially) and school, and being juniors. I don't like telephones, usually, but it's nice when you can really talk to someone on them. I should spend more time with Steph. She's a supercool kid. A shrimp, yes, but that's okay. I have a lot of short friends. =) Speaking of shrimps, I should write a letter to Shrimpkid and Morganaut. I haven't talked to them in a long time- I wonder if Morgan swam in this spring. Is she taking AP tests? Jesse in NC is, I am, it would be nifty if Morgan was, too, then we would be cross-country AP-test-takers together. Jesse also took the SAT the same day I did. She wouldn't call me with the essay topic, though, which I guess is okay, since I did stunningly on it, anyway =)(stunningly is quite the adverb. I should use it in Madlibs more often).
I do have a lot of short friends. Why is that? I don't know. Maybe my subconscience really likes power-positions, so I make friends with short people so I can rule over them. Then again, I am much taller than the average person, so they're actually not that short, just compared to me. And Sarah and Lynn and Trevor and Sam and Emily and Margo aren't that short, now are they? No. But Steph, Kath, Sarah (Judkins, who has been especially nice to me recently, as well as Angie-not-my-sister, who is also short), Julia. I elected two short people to be Senior class VP and President. They're EVERYWHERE! Short people, I mean, not Presidents (thankfully, we can only have one real president in the US. I would much rather not know who else we would vote into office if we could)
I'm listening to all the "A" songs on my iPod, from "A Hard Day's Night" to "As Lovers Go". Those lyrics are from "Afternoons and Coffeespoons". It's taking a while, actually, to get through all the start-with-A songs. I'm on "Angel of Music" right now, which is from Phantom of the Opera. That movie comes out on DVD tomorrow- I want Angie-my-sister-who-is-tall to see it. Speaking of tomorrow, I have my AP CALCULUS TEST TOMORROW! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Wish me luck. (Post Script- I would tell the Force to be with me, but I think that's a little pretentious. We got our midnight premiere tickets today. HOORAY!)