May 09, 2005
Take some time before
you go to think of Mondays coming down,
And the people that you knew
and the ones that aren't around.
You've been fading day to day,
I've been moving town to town.
Yesterday I did nothing. Not one single productive thing. Besides eat, that counts as being productive, doesn't it? I got home at 5-ish and was very tired (I'm not a night person, and I can't sleep late. So I went to bed a 5 and woke up at 9, it was unfortunate. I meant to take a nap, but I kept thinking I would do something productive) While my sister made apricot scones and played tennis for 1.5 hours and practiced trumpet, I sat in my bed and read The Sisterhood of the the Travelling Pants. It's my New Years Resolution to read more, although I think I meant more classic and intellectual books than that. But that's okay. Any book that makes you laugh out loud and cry within 300 pages counts as a good book. And it was funny, and sad, and it made me think of me, and how I should send something to all my friends and have them tell me their adventures in that particular piece of clothing. It is also a lot like a book I would write if I ever managed to finish one of my many novels. They're also making a movie of The Sisterhood I hope it's good. It has that girl from The Gilmore Girls in it. Rory. I've only seen two or three episodes of that show, by Margot used to like it a lot. Not so much anymore, though, I don't know why she liked it to start with, or why she stopped liking it. Meh- it doesn't really matter, in the end.

** humming my own little tune at 9:59:00 AM




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