May 11, 2005
    Thirteen random things you like:
  1. Swimming!
  2. Tennis shoes
  3. Green grass
  4. Elementary schools
  5. Dogs
  6. Hawaiian shirts
  7. Star Wars
  8. Frog noises
  9. Road bikes
  10. My iPod
  11. Banana Nut ice cream
  12. Cotton Candy
  13. Hair ribbons

    Twelve movies:
  1. Return of the Jedi
  2. Indian Jones
  3. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
  4. Aladdin
  5. The Rescuers Down Under
  6. Mary Poppins
  7. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  8. The Manchurian Canidate
  9. Vanity Fair
  10. Garden State
  11. Throughly Modern Millie
  12. The Two Towers

    Eleven Musical Artists/Bands
  1. U2
  2. Does John Williams count?
  3. Green Day
  4. The Shins
  5. Counting Crows
  6. R.E.M
  7. The Police
  8. Dave Matthews Band
  9. Julie Andrews
  10. Goo Goo Dolls
  11. Grateful Dead

    Ten Things on Your Computer Desk:
  1. Florescent lamp
  2. Computer monitor
  3. A pink highlighter
  4. Tax forms
  5. A very short pencil
  6. My dad's passwords to all his accounts
  7. An eraser
  8. A USB cable
  9. My iPod
  10. A calculator

    Nine Good Friends (In no specific order)
  1. Angie
  2. Jenny
  3. Jesse
  4. Margot
  5. Julia
  6. Emily
  7. Emily (the other one)
  8. Steph
  9. Ellen

    Eight Favorite Foods:
  1. Any kind of pasta
  2. Cheesecake
  3. Chocolate
  4. Ice cream
  5. Salmon
  6. Grilled mango
  7. Corn on the cob
  8. Kiwis

    Seven things you wear daily:
  1. Underwear
  2. Shirt
  3. Pants
  4. Shoes
  5. Swimsuit (almost daily)
  6. Socks (well, not in the summer)
  7. My plastic choker necklace

    Six things that annoy you:
  1. Insults
  2. Pessimists
  3. Continuous tapping of pencils
  4. Giving up
  5. People who don't do their share of the work
  6. Short skirts

    Five countries you would like to visit:
  1. New Zealand
  2. Australia
  3. Austria/Switzerland
  4. Italy
  5. Chile

    Four TV Shows you watch:
  1. The West Wing
  2. Star Trek: TNG
  3. I used to watch Even Stevens
  4. American Idol, recently, just cause I need some brain numbing

    Three celebrities you have a crush on:
  1. Ewan McGregor
  2. Viggo Mortenson
  3. Johnny Depp

    Two things you can’t live without:
  1. Laughing
  2. The outdoors

    One thing you want more than anything:
  1. More than anything? People to stop driving their damn cars and have the environment back to its thriving self
Well, that was a bundle of nonsense, was it not?

** humming my own little tune at 7:33:00 PM




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