May 11, 2005
Thirteen random things you like:- Swimming!
- Tennis shoes
- Green grass
- Elementary schools
- Dogs
- Hawaiian shirts
- Star Wars
- Frog noises
- Road bikes
- My iPod
- Banana Nut ice cream
- Cotton Candy
- Hair ribbons
Twelve movies: - Return of the Jedi
- Indian Jones
- Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
- Aladdin
- The Rescuers Down Under
- Mary Poppins
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- The Manchurian Canidate
- Vanity Fair
- Garden State
- Throughly Modern Millie
- The Two Towers
Eleven Musical Artists/Bands - U2
- Does John Williams count?
- Green Day
- The Shins
- Counting Crows
- R.E.M
- The Police
- Dave Matthews Band
- Julie Andrews
- Goo Goo Dolls
- Grateful Dead
Ten Things on Your Computer Desk:- Florescent lamp
- Computer monitor
- A pink highlighter
- Tax forms
- A very short pencil
- My dad's passwords to all his accounts
- An eraser
- A USB cable
- My iPod
- A calculator
Nine Good Friends (In no specific order)- Angie
- Jenny
- Jesse
- Margot
- Julia
- Emily
- Emily (the other one)
- Steph
- Ellen
Eight Favorite Foods:- Any kind of pasta
- Cheesecake
- Chocolate
- Ice cream
- Salmon
- Grilled mango
- Corn on the cob
- Kiwis
Seven things you wear daily:- Underwear
- Shirt
- Pants
- Shoes
- Swimsuit (almost daily)
- Socks (well, not in the summer)
- My plastic choker necklace
Six things that annoy you:- Insults
- Pessimists
- Continuous tapping of pencils
- Giving up
- People who don't do their share of the work
- Short skirts
Five countries you would like to visit:- New Zealand
- Australia
- Austria/Switzerland
- Italy
- Chile
Four TV Shows you watch:- The West Wing
- Star Trek: TNG
- I used to watch Even Stevens
- American Idol, recently, just cause I need some brain numbing
Three celebrities you have a crush on:- Ewan McGregor
- Viggo Mortenson
- Johnny Depp
Two things you can’t live without:- Laughing
- The outdoors
One thing you want more than anything:- More than anything? People to stop driving their damn cars and have the environment back to its thriving self
Well, that was a bundle of nonsense, was it not?
** humming my own little tune at 7:33:00 PM
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