Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky
Did you know that during the "A Whole New World" song in Aladdin Aladdin and Jasmine go to 4 different countries? I watched it today with Lily and was quite amazed about how much I had forgotten in this film. During the flying carpet scene they are in Agraba to start, then Egypt, then Greece!, then China. It's pretty amazing. They also run with wild horses in some unknown country and, of course, fly among the clouds. Interesting. And Robin Williams is more funny every time I see him.
There's a lot of great movies coming out this summer, I must say. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is coming out in July, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants will hopefully be good, but silly, comes out shortly. Batman Begins, War of the Worlds and Bewitched should all be good. I'm excited. I'll be seeing many movies. And, for course, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is being published! How absolutely fantastic! I think the Half-Blood Prince is Dumbledore, and maybe Dumbledore will DIE at the end. That would be very very sad. I also think that maybe Harry will die at the end of the seventh. That'll be terrible. It'd feel bad for Hermoine. I hope SHE doesn't die- don't think I could take that. My friend Jesse said that she and I and Margot were like the terrific trio in Harry Potter- she was Ron, awkward but hilarious, Margo was Hermione- brillant and overachieving, and I was Harry- adventurous and brave. I, personally completely disagree with her. No one has ever called me brave. =)