May 15, 2005
University Bicycles - Bike Polo: "
Top Ten Reasons Bike Polo is Better than Horse Polo
- A horse has a mind of its own; a bicycle always does what it's told;
- You need a 'string' of horses for polo, but only one bike for bicycle polo
- Different horses require different mallet lengths; you can adjust the height of a bicycle seat, so you only need one mallet;
- You can transport bicycles on the roof or in the trunk of your car;
- You can leave a bicycle in the corner of your garage for years, and a little Armor-all and WD-40 will make it good as new;
- Bicycles eat a lot less than horses;
- Consequently, they are a lot easier to clean up after;
- It's a lot less hazardous to your health to have a bicycle fall on you;
- Some rich guy can't beat you to the ball just by buying a faster bike; he still has to pedal it;
- When you break a spoke, you don't have to shoot your bike. "
** humming my own little tune at 9:17:00 AM
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