June 24, 2005
Come on in,
I've gotta tell you what a state I'm in,
I've gotta tell you in my loudest tones,
That I started looking for a warning sign.
The most troubling part of swimming (besides, of course, when someone's suit is decomposing without their knowledge. For girls it isn't a big deal- they just borrow a drag suit from a friend. But guys it gets kinda strange, especially, if, as Corinne says it's "deteriorating in the posterior"...) ANYWAY, I hate it when I catch up to people in my lane- or even in other lanes. If your leading and you catch up to the last person, that's just problematic. You feel bad for being fast, they feel terrible for being slow, and so the entire lanes' spacing just gets thrown off. But if you're third or forth, and you catch up to the second or third person, respectively; that cause problems, too. Usually, you swim by your friends, so you usually catch up (or get caught by) someone you like. So you can't just tap their foot and expect it to blow over, can you? Of course not- especially if you're a girl, like me =) We're very sensitive about things like that. It's annoying! Catching people all the time or leading the lane all the time is like being a brown-noser- people like you out of the pool- but while your swimming, people think you're kinda show-off. I, actually, have expierenced both places- I've been the swimmer passing people, and the person being passed. (The later, actually, is probably more common in my history). And, despite all my previous complaining, I like being the passer more than the passee. =) But of course

I'm taking my grandma to see Bewitched this afternoon. I'm excited. I like Nicole Kidman. Will Ferrell is good sometimes. He often plays the stupid, everyman, boso who gets on my nerves. oh well!

** humming my own little tune at 10:08:00 AM




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