Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten
Finals week, hooray! Finals aren't really that bad- although I don't remember anything that we learned in physics. It's really unfortunate- so I'm studying with Sarah, which is super. Except Ang is going to Meadows to visit the CHOICE teachers at the CHOICE meadows day. I should do that, too, but I said I'd study. I miss the last days of middle school- we never had stressful finals the very last day of school then! Ahh well. Physics and Chemistry are the only finals I'm slightly worried about- which is funny, because I'm supposed to be good at science. (I just looked at a really bright object and now there is a blog of nothingness in the center of my vision and I cannot-for-the-life-of-me see what I'm typing. Bummer)
Well, there really isn't anything interesting or profound going around in the mind of KNB currently. It's beeen overloaded with not understanding rotational motion. It's very unfortunate, actually.
Our first swim meet is on Saturday. We haven't swum diddlely. That, too, is unfortunate. There are just so many of us, we can't do a 50 without running into the last person. It's not that they are especially slow (although they aren't what one would call fast) it's that everyone is on top of eachother. Next week starts morning practices, thank goodness. However, Dad is starting to suggest Ang and I start swimming by ourselves, and I say "This is why I don't swim year-round with all those crazy kids. If I wanted order and discipline in my swimming practices, I would join Rally." Yep, that's what I say.