June 08, 2005

I said Mr. Purple People Eater, what's your line
He said eatin' purple people and it sure is fine
But that's not the reason that I came to land
I wanna get a job in a rock 'n' roll band
The stealing of the Purple People Eater was very sucessful, I must say. It wasn't truly "stealing" persay, but liberating. It lives in a desk drawer, a bottom right-hand desk drawer, for that matter, that becomes unlocked if you open the top middle drawer just a little bit. So, the liberating of the Purple People Eater went exactly as planned. My last kidnapping of the Purple People Eater wasn't noticed until I gave him back, because who pays attention to what's missing from your lower right hand drawer? Not Mrs. Cady, obviously. But the PPE wrote a note when he disappeared the second time, so people knew he was gone. At least Mrs. Cady knew he was gone. I'm a dork, you say? Well, it's true. I kidnapped a stuffed animal (stuffed animals are people too! (especially if they sing and dance)) from a teacher, and then took pictures of it touring the outside of fairview. That's dorky. But also quite entertaining. =)

My physics final was hard hard hard. It took 2.5 hours! And I got there an hour early to review with my teacher. But, everyone thought it was hard, which is a good sign, because if I was the only one who thought it was hard, that would be sad. But I'm not. And in LA we had to write three (3!) essays that were slightly unfortunate. But it was easier than physics AND my brain had already been fried.

Swim meet on Saturday! I am so going to go SO slow =)

** humming my own little tune at 2:20:00 PM




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