Love is never gone
As we travel one
Love's what we'll remember
Kiss today goodbye.
And point me t'ward tomorrow
The Special Section of the newspaper turned out fabulously. So did the rest of the Royal Banner- it made me happy. I still don't think Jimmy likes me very much, but what can I do. Congrats to Carey and Eryn- we managed somehow, didn't we. I CAN'T WAIT for next year- we'll have fun.
I gave into temptation last night and read all the yearbook signings. I had only read Jesse Thurston's before, and I don't even know why I did that. They're all fun to read at once, though. I think Angie (Head Girl Hsu Angie, not sister-Angie) and Mrs. Cady win for the best yearbook signings. That isn't to say the others didn't make me laugh or become teary-eyed or weren't fabulous, but they were just incredibly nice. Yeppers. I do love reading what people wrote- everyone is so nice when they write in your yearbook! =) Hannah wrote "Have a Good Life" I think someone needs to teach that girls some yearbook-signing skills. Maybe if I tutor her in that, she'll teach me how to do math! Sounds great to me!
Graduation was today- I wasn't supposed to go, I was supposed to be taking the SAT IIs, but I really wanted to go, and I didn't study at ALL for them- so Mom said I didn't have to take them today- which was very good, I must say. (Man, my keyboard is giving me problems). All the speakers were great I though- Emily spoke beautifully. Mr. Ellis was, as usual, his hilarious brilliant self. But one of the regular graduation speakers, Rachel, did such a good job! Man she made me cry. She's a choir kid (I hate to stereotype, but she really is a choir kid) and her whole speech was a syncopated poem. Fabulous, Rachel, it was truly wonderful. Angie and I matched the graduates with our red rain jackets. I've decided I should go to a school with really awesome colors so when I'm a high school teacher at graduation my gown looks really cool =) Yes, Kristen, that's great criteria for picking a college!
Angie and I just went to see The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants on this rainy afternoon- yes, it's a chick flick- I promise it's the only one I'm going to this summer. The movie was good- they pulled it off quite well, I must say. Bailey made me sad. There were only 4 guys in the entire theater. How pathetic. (for me of for them? I just don't know)