And a soul for every cowboy.
And a star to guide him home.
And an angel to bring him,
A song to sing when he's alone
So, the Tour de France is finally over. Lance Armstrong was completely and utterly unbeatable. Unbelievable. I thought for certain he would have some weakness this year, but he just didn't. He could go as fast as every single rider there. And no team was united enough to take on the cement glueing the Discovery Channel riders to Lance. He deserved to win, most certainly, so I am glad he did. But next year will be quite awesome (not asem, because that's not really the same as awesome, now is it?). No one will know what to do without Lancey to lead the race! How fantastic. Vinokourov won the final stage, it was truly amazing. No one expected that. I was happy. I like that Kazakh =)

Meadows is slowly winding down. I didn't truly realize it until Julia mentioned her sadness at the season ending. And it's true- we really only have five days left- three more days of practice. Ahhh, good times that Meadows swim team. Prelims are on thursday- I'll start getting nervous quite shortly, I admit. And finals! Ahh! People don't believe me when I say I used to be a terrible terrible swimmer, but I've only gone to finals twice before this. TWICE! In my entire swimming career. Few people know or would even accept that fact. You learn interesting things about me every day. =)
It was lovely chatting with Miss Carleton this evening. We used to talk more- and by "used" I mean in, like, April. =) We didn't really even know each other before December. Isn't that odd? Yes, yes it tis. We had Coldstone ice cream. They had black licorice as a new flavor. I don't think I've ever seen black ice cream before, but there is no denying that this was extreamly black. I tasted it- and liked it, although I don't think I could take a whole scoop of it. No siree. That little taste-spoon was quite enough, thank you very much. They also had wasabi ice cream. Now, I'm not THAT adventurous, I'm afraid.