July 16, 2005

HARRY POTTER! HARRY POTTER! HARRY POTTER! HARRY POTTER! HARRY POTTER! HARRY POTTER! HARRY POTTER! I'm super excited! I didn't go to a midnight party- I had a swim meet early this morning. I probably wouldn't have gone anyway, but who knows? We ordered it from Amazon.com (support local business- I'm a hypocrite I know) and I was afraid that it wouldn't arrive in time! Because we're leaving tomorrow for California for only 2 days, but still! If the book hadn't arrived today, I think I might have cried. Probably not, though Jill did tear up because Angie dropped ANOTHER four? five? seconds in 100 butterfly. But I'm so excited about Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! Wootwoot! I've only read the first chapter, because I've been at a swim meet and at lunch and watching the Tour de France (which is also very very exciting. T-mobile finally showed up. Yeah Jan! Yeah Lance! Yeah Floydy! Only one more climb left! Today! There are still several more after today! Enough exclamation marks already!) and Angie and I have to share it, which is nearly disasterous- I think for the next few days we might be on edge with eachother. Julie bought it last night at the Harry Potter party and read all through the night. She says it's the best one yet- AND that she cried for the last 100 pages. Oh dear. That means I'm going to be bawling. HARRY POTTER IS HERE!

** humming my own little tune at 3:59:00 PM




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