I would if I could. I'd do most anything spontaneously. You know I would, if I could. I'll do anything spontaneously. If you could be nimble, you'd have it simple just like me. So go on and try it, do not deny yourself your freedom.
Angie and I took Ellen to see Star Wars last night. It was fabulous, as I expected. I hadn't seen it since May, so it was a lovely refreser. I can't wait for the DVD to come out- I want to watch that movie over and over again. And fast foward through the lame-o balcony scene which makes me cringe. But besides that!!!! Exclaimation marks galore. And Order 66 makes me so sad. Yesterday, after all the jedi-dieing, clones-betraying, Palpatine-laughing-evily scenes, Angie leaned over and gave me a piece of chocolate. "It cheers you up," said she. We snuck candy in from Wallgreens- movie theater pop corn is super expensivo. And I had some of those smoothie-mix skittles! They were quite delicious, I must say. I don't like those Tropical Skittles as much, but the mixes are very good. I felt like a sheep-boy. =) I hope you've all seen that commercial.
Ellen and Angie and I got Steph a dancing flower for her birthday. Along with the best birthday card EVER- and you just can't stop laughing over it. Steph had better appreciate that card. It's truly fantastic.
Ellen hadn't ever seen Attack of the Clones, either, so Angie and I made very hilarious cartoons describing AotC and The Phantom Menance. I would scan them in and keep them forever, but Ellen really wanted to keep them. They were fantastic, though. Stick figures which light-sabers connnecting to their arms, everyone was smiling all the time. And, of course, the plot was greatly simplified. Our stories could have been made into a 30-minute sit-com. Ang and I laughed more than El did, I think.
Graham just lent me his Phatom Menace soundtrack. How fabulous =)