July 08, 2005
Slow down
There's gonna be trouble
You're gonna forget
What you're doing
Jill came to dinner last night. I like to show off my parent's cooking. =) It was fun. I like Jill- she's a good coach and very nice to all us swimmers. Though she's been making us work very hard this week- and my parents really force Bob's evening swim camp on me, too. I got home from practice today at 8:30 (AM) and just collapsed. I slept until 1:01, on and off. I was tired. Plus, I didn't sleep that well last night, either. And article in the Daily Camera said that liberals dreams more than conservatives, and artists dream more than mathematicians. I could have guessed that. =) I dream a lot. Usually just random stuff, really, nothing that I would imagine has much consequence. I don't think, at least. Afterall, what is symbolic in searching desperately for that purple McDonald's chicken nugget?

I went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science yesterday with Emily. We saw the Mystery of the Nile Imax. It was good- it reminded me of Sahara- that movie with Owen Wilson. Wouldn't it be cool to be the first person to raft the Nile or swim the Bering Strait, or anything amazing? We've been around long enough that all the easy things have already been done. Wouldn't it be cool to be on an Imax? And when you're long-lost friends go with their kids to see a random Imax, they see your face plaster on a screen 70x bigger than an average movie? Yes, that would be cool.

I wonder what's she hiding- behind those dark, rhinestoned sunglasses and her light dusting of makeup. She laughs at everything, whether it's funny or stupid or gross or dramatic or overly depressing. What is that smile covering? She never says anything serious or anything that gives away what she thinks and feels. It confuses me. There is so much more to her than she wants to give away. What is she afraid of?

** humming my own little tune at 2:08:00 PM




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