July 02, 2005
That maybe we ain't that young anymore
Show a little faith there's magic in the night
You ain't a beauty but hey you're alright
Oh and that's alright with me

Lots of fabulous things happened today, and some not-quite-as-fabulous. I feel like I should call up all my fellow 15-18s and smack them a few times in the face. What I really should do is make a long, eloquent, impassioned speech at practice on Tuesday, but I'm not brave enough. I, however, am upset enough to write a long, some-what-eloquent, impassioned speech here. Our behavior at the meet today was disastrous. We're worse than those 13-14s we so mercilessly taunt. People nearly missed their events, didn't show at the heating area until their heat was in the first row, Jilly threw swimmers on the block as they were walking to get food. Our attention was that of a 5 year old, we were distracted and greatly penalized for it. You think beating Barracudas was the purpose of this meet? Of course not- every single swimmer knew that our events were messed up a bit, that the heat sheet looked different because this meet was our chance to try out different stuff- to swim events that we couldn't normally. Jill spent hours trying to get the girls relays equal in speed, and she did a fabulous job until one relay decided to go slow on purpose! She begged the boys to stop goofing around, and they paid not one iota of attention- poor Jill was disobeyed, disregarded, and destroyed by our total lack of respect. What is this? Aren't we supposed to be the role models? The 15-18s who cheer, who yell, who get good reports from the heating ladies and the timers? Making people laugh is one thing. Enjoying yourself is one thing. But purposefully throwing a race competely down the drain is another. Meadows is supposed to be well behaved and kind and good sports. But today our team didn't meet these expectations in the least.

But Dr. Jinger Gottschall did come to the meet! It was so absolutely fabulous to see her. =) It made me smile for the rest of the day- I'm still smiling, in fact. I'm afraid I made too must fun of her for only having 2 friends. I find that extreamly impossible to believe. I do hope she writes us like she said she would. Ahhh... The Jinge. Wouldn't it be so amazingly fabulous to have Jill AND Jinger to coach us next year. Shane aged everyone a year, and if no one quits, we'll have 47 15-18s on the team next year. UNBELIEVEABLE!! That's more that the entire LEAGUE had a few years ago. Can you imagine the chaos. So- if Jinger and Jill both coached us, then we could have the two most fabulous summer league coaches ever (although Shane and Maureen are high up) and it would be fabulous. But, Kristen, that will never ever happen, not in 10 billion trillion quadzillion years. But it's fun to think about, ain't it? =)


** humming my own little tune at 6:37:00 PM




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