What do you want me to do, to watch for you while you're sleeping? Well please don't be surprised when you find me dreaming too
I do love mountain stages in the Tour! And holy kazzaam! T-mobile knows how to work Mr. Armstrong. He didn't have a chance against the terrible trio. Jan Ullrich with Andreas Kloden and Mr. Alexander Vinokourov- they all certainly know how to ride their bikes. And they're all fairly cute. =) I couldn't help jumping up and down in my blue recliner while watching a bad reception taped Tour today. It was utmostly exciting. First Rasmussen got all the cat 3 climbs and is the new Polka-dotter, and then the break away with Pieter Weenings (I knew! I should have put him on my fantasy team. But that last name kept bothering me). And he then sprinted away from his break away. And the peloton got all broken up during the beginning of the climb and all the bestest people were stuck together as the first chase- Lance and Jan and Vino and Floydy and Basso and Kloden. And Lance was all by himself! (At the interview after the race Lance said "we'll have a chat with the boys tonight". If he had had one other Discovery guy with him, it would have been fine! but nooo) And Viny kept attacking and attacking and Lance had to chase him all by himself because Jan wouldn't help him, he just stuck to Lance's wheel. Then BAM! Kloden went and Lance just couldn't chase again. It was Genius! I hoped those T-mobile boys planned that, because if they didn't then I am giving them MUCH too much credit. =) My man Jan!