Just a castaway An island lost at sea Another lonely day With no one here but me More loneliness Than any man could bear Rescue me before I fall into despair
My dad got a new computer on sunday. It's really exciting. It's a laptop, and it is widescreen so everything is, well, wider. I'm brillant, I know
School started, too, which wasn't near as bad as I was expecting. Better, in fact, than I could have imagined. I love my new biology teacher- she's a parasitologist, which is cool, but whenever I think of parasites I think of that movie we watched in 5th grade about all the little crawlies that live on your eyebrows and whatnot. They give me the willies! But she's really nice, and funny, too, she said that one of the reasons she doesn't teach elementary school is because she would frighten off all the kids with her sarcasm. I don't mind some sarcasm here and there. it helps lighten up a class.
OH! And in LA, we get to spend an entire month writing novels! How amazingly awesome is that? Fabuous. I'm psyched. I have no idea what I'd write about though. Kristin told me to write a mystery novel, but I'm really not that good at being subtle. At all. Ah, we'll see. November is a long way away.
Well, again, this is a very short post. I'm just uninteresting, I'm afraid. Alas. Alack. Although I did make a paper mache pig, who is simply amazing. I'll post pictures eventually.